Ladies Bible Study
Many Christians do not have a full understanding of what it means to fight the good fight of faith. They try to live by faith but in the face of everyday trials and failures, they find themselves disillusioned and discouraged, wondering if they have done something wrong or if living by faith only works for others. The problem for most is simply a lack of understanding regarding what faith is and how it works.
This book, inspired by the Book of Joshua, reviews three tools a person can develop to Fight In Faith: 1) embracing God’s promises, 2) courage and commitment under pressure and 3) practicing radical obedience while waiting for God to deliver your victory.
Just as God gave His people victory over their enemies when they fought in faith, He promises to do the same for us. Following the footprints of the bold, courageous faith that God gave His people, we’ll be equipped you with the tools to bravely fight in faith and overcome both our daily struggles and the bigger battles we all face. Through examples of how God gave the Israelites victory over their enemies and generously blessed them, we’ll help you to be victorious in our fight of faith so that we not only radically transform our own lives but unequivocally impact society with victorious faith.